Informed parents are engaged parents!

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Teachers and parents/guardians share a common goal— giving children the tools they need to succeed in education. One of the easiest ways to achieve that goal is to keep the lines of communication open between teachers and parents/guardians, thereby fostering a strong partnership that helps build a solid educational foundation that can last a lifetime.

Skooler helps parents support their child’s needs, exposes parents to what is going on in the classroom and makes it easier for teachers to document progress and share assignments with parents without adding more work to their already full slate. It’s a huge time-saver for teachers and ensures that parents are kept up to date on almost everything that is going on in their child’s classroom.
Skooler makes it much easier for teachers to communicate with parents, and the results speak for themselves. According to research from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, on average, teacher-family communication increased the odds that students completed their homework by 40%, decreased instances in which teachers had to redirect students’ attention to the task at hand by 25% and increased class participation rates by 15%.

Here are some features of the Skooler learning tool platform that help connect teachers and parents – and go a long way toward improving student performance. These features minimize surprises for parents and reduce the time that teachers have to spend updating parents on the status of each student.

Simplified response forms

Having interactive forms that allow parents to share important and timely responses with teachers is particularly important, regardless of whether a school district is in a remote learning mode or is using in-person teaching. Based on your feedback, we’ve updated the Messaging Tool feature to make it more interactive. One of the best features is that teachers can decide what type of information they need from parents. Here is an example:


Giving teachers these types of features allows them to engage with parents in a more focused way that best suits their needs. Tailoring questions and answers in this way makes it incredibly easy for teachers to get answers to the specific questions they have about things like volunteering, signing permission slips and learning about each child’s unique needs.

The parent portal and parent app open the door for parents

The fewer steps it takes for a teacher to notify parents about changes in the classroom, the better. As soon as the teacher changes information for the class, such as adding a new assignment or changing the due date on a project, Skooler’s parent portal is automatically updated. Parents can stay actively engaged with their child’s education by easily seeing a snapshot of the day at school.


For parents who are on the go, the Skooler parent app can be accessed via both iPhone and Android phones. Parents can easily see what assignments are due, attendance, get feedback on grades and assignments and easily access plans and schedules. This feature is incredibly helpful when it comes to letting parents know exactly what’s going on at school.


Planning with the push of a button

One of the areas that teachers spend a lot of time on is planning, and not just for themselves but for their team as well. Teachers collaborate closely with the other teachers in their grade-level to ensure that each child receives a beneficial educational experience. Skooler’s Planning Tool effectively streamlines the planning process among teachers. Goals and objectives are integrated and can easily be shared with parents.


Simplifying the PLP/ILP process

In order to be kept abreast of student progress, parents can be kept informed of grades, assessments and progress to date towards achieving goals. Teachers can get overviews of student progress per subject or per student. Once the reviews are published, students and parents have access to the progress reports. They can be reviewed as well as Personalized/Individual Learning Plans before and after parent-teacher conferences.


Informed parents are engaged parents

Communication between teachers and parents is critical for helping students to be successful in school. By making communication part of your daily routine, you help parents support their children and become actively engaged in what is going on at school. Skooler helps simplify the communication process, so that you build stronger relationships with parents, eliminate surprises and make it easy for parents to be involved in their child’s education.

How do you keep parents engaged in the education of their children? Please tell us in the comments.