A complete digital toolbox together with Office 365

Toolbox skooler girl

We’re busy getting ready to travel to The Bett Show in London, UK from January 25-27, 2020. Bett is the first major education technology industry show of the year, bringing together the top companies, schools and influencers for three intensive days of education and networking.
We’ll be exhibiting at the Norwegian Classroom (stand SS32 ) this year, where we’ll be showcasing our complete Skooler digital toolbox for learning – integrated with Office 365.
We’re also very excited to be doing a Solution Showcase with award-winning teacher Stephen Sadler from East Barnet School on January 23rd from 3:30pm – 4:15pm in the Platinum Suite 7.
Stephen was named the Digital Innovator of the Year 2019 and is a Skooler user and evangelist at his school. For more about Stephen and why we’re so happy to count him among the many teachers using Skooler, check out this video:

Here’s a quick preview of what we’ll be showcasing at Bett this year:

Making Office 365 Work Even Better for Schools

Office 365 has some wonderful tools for education – tools that take students into the working world with software skills and experience that will benefit them all through their lives. Skooler provides the additional learning management system (LMS) capabilities and tools every school needs to help with organizational efficiency, collaboration and engagement – with administrators, teachers, students and parents. The LMS is seamlessly integrated with industry-leading apps like Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, OneNote, Teams and more to provide a modern, forward-thinking collection of easy-to-use tools that help teachers focus on teaching and prepare students for a successful future.


  • Plan – dynamic planning
  • Calendar-overview of assignments and events
  • Group, self and peer review – student insight
  • School Administration System/SIS – write back and syncronize data
  • State standards and learning goals– integrate in planning
  • Individualized Learning Plans and Gradebook – track student progress and accomplishments
  • Seating charts and class lists– share with other teachers
  • Add-ins in Office 365- for efficiency
  • Hand-in assignments from any mobile device



  • Skooler supports accessibility features in Office 365.
  • Multimedia feedback– enhance and personalize communication
  • Parent portal and app– home-school communication
  • Skooler Kudos– positive feedback to students
  • Messages– chat and communicate with parents
  • Photogallery– share events in classroom with parents

We hope to see you at BETT! Come visit us at the Norwegian Classroom SS32.

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