
Build Confidence in Hybrid and Remote Learning
October 28th
9:00 AM PST/ 11:00 AM CST/ 12:00 EST
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Quick introduction.
Build Confidence in Hybrid and Remote Learning
As the school year began, remote and hybrid learning became the most viable options for delivering educational experiences for many. We recognize the challenges this presents and want to help ensure the experience of your staff and students is as smooth as possible.
Learn what hybrid learning can look like with Microsoft Teams & Skooler. You’ll hear from Peoria School District’s Director of Technology, Michelle Seipel, as she shares how they made this transition seamlessly for teachers, students and parents.
Making the Transition to Remote Learning
Learn how to set up your school for remote learning with Microsoft Teams & Skooler. You’ll hear from O’Dea High School’s Director of Digital Strategy, David Olinger, as he shares how O’Dea made this transition seamlessly for teachers, students and parents.